Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Character Biography

Designation: Eric D. Schwab
Age: 16 (17 on April 5th) 
Ethnicity: Asian (Vietnamese)
Attending: Kaimuki High School

15 Things about me - Likes and Dislikes 
 This was something brought up by a friend, so I decided to try it.  

1. What are you obsessed about? Transformers.  Love it in every way.  I've watched almost every single TV series, all the movies (since I can count them all on my hand), and I've even read some of the comics/books (IDW, Alex Irvine, Dreamwave, etc...)  I can name the different classes of toys, I can name the different robots, and I can correctly identify which universe(or alternity - Shattered Glass) they belong to.  Most disturbingly of all, I know a lot about the mythology of an alien race that does not even exist.  Optimus Prime is my frickin' hero.  Starscream and Soundwave are just there as secondary favorites. 

2.  Books. I love books with a passion.  They are like portals to a completely different world in the convenience of a binded assemblage of paper and ink.  You can be anything you want: Harry Potter, Ivan Ilyich, White Fang,  Captain Nemo, absolutely not Bella Swan or Edward Cullen, Don Quixote, etcetera,  etcetera. It's like a trip of some sort which can be interpreted differently by different viewers. You can read at your own pace and turn back the pages if you missed something.  I prefer hardcover over paperback though.  

3.  Movies. I love movies and theater with an even greater passion.  It takes a lot of talent and work to bring a script to life on the stage or on the silver screen.  It's very easy to act poorly what with stage fright, having absolutely no idea what good acting is, or overcompensating and giving it a frustrating campy atmosphere (also known as "cheese").  The music also plays an important role.  When the writer, the actor(s), and the effects specialists come together, the feeling is like no other.  Boom; there I am right next to Eastwood in the iconic Mexican standoff, watching a scuffle between the Sharks and Jets, and riding shotgun with the Terminator.  Despite the rising ticket costs, I think that with the right movie/play, the price is well worth it.  

4.  Soccer.  You can tell I don't "lurve" this like the others due to it's succinctness.  The fact is that I joined primarily because my father played it.  A lot. As a result, I thought I'd give it a try.  I liked the experience.  I felt fitter and overall, the whole "running around a field kicking a ball all day" was pretty enjoyable.  I look forward to playing it again next season.  

5.  Robotics.  Again, this is practically another version of number 1.  This interest pretty much branched from it.  I think it's important and definitely a relevant topic in our changing society.  I hope to God we have Ironman suits and Optimus Primes up and running before I die. It might even be a possible career choice for me. 

(I just love this stuff way too much)

6. School.  It's kind of a love-hate relationship.  There are always people asking me "Hey, do you like school?" (I can't imagine why; it must be the clothes I'm wearing or something.)  I like school to a point.  It's just the endless tedium I can't take.  For example, I understand why we have to know the human body, and how to find the maximum and minimum area of a field: but when you have to do it over and over again in the most inefficient way possible?  There needs to be some reform. 

7. Video games.  I'm male.  And a teen.  You can already predict my stance on this stuff.  It's great.  Just fucking great.  What most people don't realize is that behind all the bonus points, the bosses, and the extra lives, is something that isn't too different from a book or a movie.  Granted they vary a lot from the way they're presented.  But games hold a lot of story to them.  Pacman was originally intended for girls due to the "vibrant" color scheme of the ghosts and the first Street Fighter flat out sucks unlike the versions that came after it.  Video games are a great representative of it's culture.  For example, when you look at the older retro games like Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Castlevania, etc... you start to see a pattern.  They were all based in a fantasy setting (knights, princesses, castles, plumbers...) which was very popular at the time.  Even now, despite the myriad of choices to play, the most popular games are first and third person shooters like Halo, Call of Duty, Modern Warfare, Gears of War, Battlefield, Killzone, etc...  It's not a coincidence that we happen to be in a couple wars right now.  

8. Food.  I like a lot of different kinds of food.  I typically enjoy those that taste good.  Who doesn't?  Curry, stews, and other soups tend to be my favorites, but fruits and certain chocolates are also great.  I'm not sure if Wasabi counts as a food or condiment so I'll just say I like the smell of it.  

9. Turtles and tortoises are pretty fun animals.  They don't move very fast, except for some swimming varieties, but I like their tank-like shells.  They're almost like living stones, tables, stools, or ottomans.  

10.  Space... is big.  Really big.  If you can tell what book I'm referencing, pat yourself on the back or other body part of preference.  It's so big, that I think there's a pretty good chance that some kind of intelligent life is out there beside us.  If the Earth is a grain of blue and green sand on a beach spanning several miles, don't you think the odds are in favor of another intelligent race?  If not, then you must suck at gambling and I would like to play you in some form of card game involving money/coupons.  

11.  I don't think I'm that smart.  Compared with what other people have done, I've done practically nothing.  Look at that kid who got into college at 7.  Daaaayuuuum...   But I'm not that much of a self deprecating masochist.  I give myself credit when it's due just like everyone else.  

12.  My taste in music is not consistent with what everybody else expects of me.  Whatever that is.  I like Heavy metal.  Specifically 80's Hair metal.  I like Jazz.  I like Classical. I like techno.  I like video game music (of course).  But the key detail is that I think they actually sound good.  With all this auto-tune stuff nowadays, I feel like music artists have kind of lost sight of what actual singing mean't. What happened to the passion; the emotion?  I'm curious.  How does Bieber sound without a recording studio?  

13.  I like all kinds of colors depending on what it's on.  I like red strawberries.  I guess a blue strawberry would be kind of interesting.  A purple, black, white strawberry... no. 

14.  Do I like being called a nerd?  Yes and no.  I'm flattered that you think I'm smart, but I'm also kind of disgusted that you would need to fore go my actual name and group me along with an entire group of people that are also individuals.  Like me.  I like wearing the pressed collared shirt and tie (pocket protector, pocket calculator, the whole shebang) because it's comfortable and it's efficient.  Pen?  No problem.  Oh, and don't go calling people "nerds" willy nilly.  Chances are, you're confusing them with a geek, a dweeb, or at worst, a dork.  You might even be way off target when it was actually none of the above. 

15.  My last name.  I hate it when people pester me about that.  Even adults are guilty of this same thing.  It's annoying.  Do I ask you how you got your face that way?  I'm sorry. That was irrelevant.  But then again, so is asking me my why I got my last name.  It's a last name.  It's not going to be a question on Jeopardy.  If you really want to know then fine.  Ever heard of Charles Schwab?  That  investment service?  Yeah, I'm not related to him in any way.  I just saw his name on a building when I was 5 or something and I asked my parents "Can I have a name change?" and there you go.  From that point on, I was Eric Schwab. 

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