I must say that I'm terribly excited for this film. Of course, despite being terribly disappointed (and slightly exhilarated from the second film), Michael Bay just has that way of making you want something despite you knowing that it's going to be pretty bad (at least based off previous experience). Kind of like McDonald's in a way. You know it's killing you but you keep coming back for more.
(This was actually released today.)
Based on what I know already, this occurs after the events at Cairo, Egypt (if you've been catching up with the series). Sam apparently ditches Mikaela (since Megan Fox was fired for comparing her boss to Hitler) for a girl named Carly (British Victoria's Secret Model). This ties in with the old television series (Where "Spike's" girlfriend is named Carly) but then again, that's like saying Transformers 1 was a Microsoft commercial because it showed an Xbox 360. Either way, it's a nice little easter egg that probably nobody will catch unless you actually watched the original cartoon.
(Hmmm, I wonder how her real life boyfriend feels about her frenching Shia... by the way, he's the guy from
From what I could gather from the transformer fan sites, forums, blogs, and online toy shops, it appears as if this is going to be one of those mass invasion movies. Just look at the trailer. It's kickass. Like brain rotting Battle LA but a bajillion times cooler since Optimus Prime is in it. But seriously. Just look at the size of those transport ships. I shit my pants when transformers just suddenly started erupting out of the surface of the moon like giant mechanoid zombies. 3 of my favorite things in one place.
(Red eyes. Decepticons)
It's also apparent that they'll all have giant souped up weapons. Sort of like how combining was the main stay of the second film, this film's big theme this time will be Mechtechs. I just took the name right off the toy adaptations. Yes, you heard right. I'm getting my info from the toys they make from the movie. Now, it might seem a little unorthodox but I can tell you it's quite accurate. The movie toys come out months before any commercial so when I saw the same exact weapons from the toys in the commercials, you can bet I was going to keep following them. I also already know that (Spoiler) fan favorite Lazerbeak is in the movie along with Sentinel Prime, Megatron is the dirty truck with canvas cape (kept thinking Assassins Creed), and Optimus fuses with his trailer to form a flying super suit (ala RID and Armada yet again).
(Yeah, that's really Megatron. Don't believe me yet, look below.)
(Collectable coin: I see a shotgun and chains. Badass.)
(Trailer had better not have to die to combine with Optimus ><)
I noticed a trend in these movies. It's always got to do something about Shia LaBeouf and his "growing up" as a man. The first movie had him getting a car. The second had him going to college. What's his third rite of passage? Getting a job. Who'd a thought. Now the basic premise is this. He tries to get a job and his girlfriend gets stuck in a city. No ordinary city but the city that the Transformers are going to go all Battle LA on. So he has to go in and rescue her. The scale of the fighting will be huge apparently; even going so far as to be shown on Cybertron (another term that had me running to the bathroom). There's also this whole moon conspiracy plot where the space race between the US and Russia was actually to get to the moon to check out an alien space craft (The Ark - Autobot ship - another tv tie in).
(What is it about authority that makes the bitchiest people think that it makes them immune from the wrath of 30 foot robots?)
The Autobots are lied to apparently, the government is once again an ineffective tool (like the second one) and Earth itself is now the new battle ground for Autobot's and Decepticons million year long blood feud. (I'm assuming to be) 3 years after the events at Egypt, Megatron is apparently trying to spread fear and hatred of the Autobots around as evidenced by pictures like these that were floating around back then.
This sort of reminds me of that one episode in G1 (Megatron's Master Plan) much like how Transformers ROTF borrowed the sun harvester concept from another episode (Changing Gears). If history does repeat itself, then I expect all the humans to start wanting to boot the Transformers off the planet (which was also brought up in the sequel).
(Oh man, shit's gonna go down. That's a ship by the way).
The new villain that caught my eye is Shockwave. Thanks to Dr. Smoov, he's easily one of my favorite Decepticons thanks to his lack of compassion, cold personality (or rather lack of one), logic over feelings, and that one eye. It might even seem that he's actually stronger than Megatron with all the hype that's going around him as the new main villain. (I would have thought that this was impossible but the second movie yet again... sigh).
( Feeeeemale Autobots... you bitches!)
He's the top Decepticon assassin, where nobody sees him without being turned into a smoldering crater (movie prequel comics). After Megatron's fear campaign, he apparently hires Shockwave to wipe out the Autobots, acting as his secret weapon. He also has a pet worm of some kind. A giant building eating worm. Or worms. Whatever. It's still awesome.
(Surprise! They're also robots.)
Obviously, I'm going to be watching this movie with the hope that it follows an Indiana Jones trend where the first movie is great, the second is balls, and the third is close to or the same as the first. I know many critics pan these movies for being too intellectually insufficient but this is what I want to pay for when I go to the movies this summer. A good old fashioned popcorn flick. Not The Great Gatsby in 3D. Also. Please, Please, Please, stop with the fucking dumb ass humor Michael Bay! I do not want to see anymore leg humping, racist robotic caricatures, or masturbation jokes. It's getting old.
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