Monday, April 4, 2011

WTF: Homework

I kind of, sort of like homework.  I mean, it's okay in moderate amounts.  Kind of like spinach in that it's supposed to help you learn better, retain more knowledge, and what not.  It's just that sometimes, no matter how much of it you take, you don't feel any smarter.  Just pissed off; sort of like how chugging down gallons of pureed spinach will not turn you into the blatant product placement/health advertisement that is Popeye.  My main beef with the stuff that teachers churn out is that it's too formulaic.  I already know how to do this stuff, I just don't want to do it anymore.  I don't learn anything and it's been tried and done for 12 years already.  Give me something else.  To put it in terms I can understand, "Have you ever played a game where you have to do the same thing over and over again?  Pisses you off don't it?"

(I hate training in Pokemon.)

I like to separate my assignments into special little groups depending on how much I like them.  There's the good kinds (which show up once in a blue moon), the bad (which are the most common), and the ugly (the ugly little zits that pop up every now and then; often times replaces the bad with some teachers).  

Let's talk about the good.  The last time I ever got something like this was in maybe 3rd grade; no joke.  The only good homework to me is either no homework or something that barely even passes as it, like bring an object for show and tell (which ends up being an oddly bent coat hanger or a funny looking rock I find outside) or watch TV and share with the class.  With the number of classes I have everyday, the chances of me having an entire day of no work is literally up a rats ass.  

(So many ways to look up "penis", so little time.)

The bad.  I should just say the "common".  This stuff is the bane of every childs dreams.  Specifically since sometimes it's takes them so long to do it that they don't have a chance to go to sleep and dream.  It's not so much that it's hard.  It's just that there's so much of it.  Like a swarm of locusts, these little worksheets find their way into every portion of your everyday curricular thoughts. "Did I finish that worksheet?", "I wonder if it's due tomorrow", "I hope I did everything correctly", "What was for homework again?"  There's so many of it, there's bound to be a day where you forget to do one assignment and lose a decent chunk out of your percentage.  It's guaranteed to happen unless you got a planner and who uses those?  (I do and I still forget sometimes).  

The ugly... ugh I hate this shit.  There I said it.  I hate it.  So much.  These are the mind blowingly tedious, redundant, and god awful abominations of the school system.  Anything big with a relatively short due date; lab reports, science fairs, essays, etc...  This is what screws up most people for life.  Being forced to do so much crap in a couple days just isn't natural.  For example, a 10 problem worksheet for Calculus looks like it belongs in the "Bad" category but it's looks can be deceiving; especially if you have to show all your work.  It's "that kind of assignment" when you either gotta do research, go back to your notes, plan and think ahead, memorize, or copy off someone else. 

(Yeah after a while I kind of want to hang myself by my own nosehairs too.[He's the "Ugly" by the way])

Procrastination just makes everything worse.  You don't want to actually do the work, since "who would" honestly?  What kind of masochist would you be to like self torture?  I'm not.  So naturally I see something else I'd rather do and I entertain myself with that.  Unfortunately this always comes back to bite me on the ass later on as my homework is nowhere near completion and I'm already a little tired from playing video games, pruny from singing (or just sitting idly) in the shower, and a little sore from just wandering the house opening the refrigerator sporadically in between trips from the kitchen and living room.  This entire post was actually inspired by a friend who said quote "homework sucks, make a new blog entry im bored". Now that I'm finished (and she is undoubtedly distracting herself with this little post, I can say that we have both fallen victim to the fiendish devil that is procrastination. Quid Pro Quo.

1 comment:

  1. bwahaha, saw that vid. maybe using will-o-wisp might be effective
